INTL:環保媽媽 INTL:醫用口罩 INTL:3D INTL:made in taiwan INTL:細菌過濾效率bfe值>99% INTL:次微米過濾效率pfe值>95% 兒童醫療口罩 環保媽媽 幼兒3D立體醫療口罩 幼幼立體口罩30入 太空人

環保媽媽 幼幼3D立體醫用口罩 8.5*7cm

Color × Quantity per unit × Quantity
太空人灰 × 30片 × 1盒

Expected arrival by tomorrow (Sat), Feb 15

Free delivery
for orders over $490 (Delivery fee: $60)

Delivery, CVS pick up available

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Delivery/Exchange/Return info

Delivery Information

Delivery Method
Local delivery

Deliver to designated address: T-Cat, Kerry (MON-SAT)

CVS Pick Up: FamilyMart, 7-Eleven

Shipping fee


- Home Delivery: Free shipping on orders over $490 among Rocket Delivery products

- CVS pick up (FamilyMart, 7-Eleven): Free shipping on orders over $490 among Rocket Delivery products

- Temporary no delivery service to remote islands

Bundle delivery
One shipping fee for the multiple items in one order (however, items may be delivered separately)

Exchange/Return Guideline

Exchange/return cost

· Within the 15-days cooling period - Free return/exchange

· Some products may only be returned considering the business consideration and inventory situation.

Possible date of requesting exchange/return

· Return due to any customer’s remorse is possible within 15 days from receipt of the Rocket delivery product, provided that it does not fall under any of the following restrictions on exchange/return.

· If the contents of the product are different from the label or advertisement or there is an existing product defect upon receipt of the product, the customer may request for exchange/return within 3 months from the date of receipt of the product (for any product for which a best-before date or an expiration date is stated, the request must be made before such best-before date or expiration date).

· All the information, pictures, descriptions and other related information about products are provided and shall be based on the product pages uploaded and published by Rocket Delivery vendors. If there is an error in the product, please leave an inquiry and Coupang online platform will check and process it promptly.

· If any trouble (allergy, red spots, itching, stinging) occurs when using a Beauty product, a customer can get a refund by providing medical confirmation or a doctor's note (all costs are borne by the customer).

Exchange/Return Restriction

Vendor Information

Entity name & address

Coupang Taiwan Co., Ltd.

13F-1, No. 7, Sec 5, Xin Yi Road, Xin Yi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan

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